Privacy Policy

The writing Company informs that for the foundation and the execution of the contractual relationships with you in course is in possession of personal identifying and fiscal data acquired orally directly or through thirds party. These data are characterized by law as being personal.

With reference to such data we inform you that:

  • the data are deal in relation to the contractual requirements to the consequent implementations of the obligation lawyers and contractual let alone in order to achieve an effective management of the relationships it trades them, for marketing activity, promotional, statistical and quality control. The data will be deal in written form and/or on magnetic, electronic or telematic support.
  • the bestowal of the data is obligatory for all is demanded by the contractual and law obligation. An eventual refusal to supply them or to the successive treatment could determine the impossibility of the Company to give run to contractual relationships;
  • instead, the lacked bestowal of all the data that are not conductible to law or contractual obligation will be estimated each time from the Company and will determine the consequent decisions related to the importance of the data demands regarding the management of the relationship trades.
  • firm remaining the communications and spreads carried out in execution of law obligation, the data could be communicate in Italy and/or to the foreign country by:
  • our net of agents
  • company of factoring
  • credit institutions
  • credits recovery company
  • credit insurance agency
  • trades information society
  • professionals and advisers
  • operating companies in the field of transports
  • commerce graduate
  • to the single purpose of the protection of the credit and the best management of our relative rights on trades; for the same purposes data will come to acquaintance of the following categories of people in charge and/or responsible: company that deal data banks finalized to estimate the solvency of the advisory companies financial advisers lawyers
  • he data will treated for all the duration of the contractual relationships established and also subsequently for the accomplishment of all fulfilling of the law and for future trades purposes relatively to the same data your Company can exercise the previewed rights from art. 7 of the d.lgs.vo n. 196/2003 (of which attached a copy) in the limits and to the conditions previewed from articles 8, 9 and 10 of cited legislative decree;
  • The holder of the treatment of the data is our Company
  • The responsible of the treatment of its personal data is the legal representative.


Art. 7 of the DLgs 196/2003 (Right of access to personal data and other rights)

  1. The interested one has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of the personal data, even if still not recorded, and their communication in intelligible way.
  2. The interested party has straight to obtain the indication:
    1. on the origin of the personal data;
    2. on the purposes and modality of the treatment;
    3. on the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
    4. on the data which identify the holder, the responsible and the representative designated by article 5, paragraph 2
    5. on the subjects or the categories of subjects to which the personal data can be communicate or that they can come to acquaintance in the charge of representative designated in the territory of Italy
  3. The interested subject has the right to obtain:
    1. the modernization, the rectification, when it has interest, integration of the data
    2. he cancellation, the transformation in anonymous form or the block of the data due to law violation,comprised those which are not necessary in relation to the aim for which the data have been collected or subsequently deal to you;
    3. the attestation that the operations of point a) and b) have been brought to acquaintance, also as far as their content, of those people to which the data have been communicated or diffused, let alone the case in which such implementation it is revealed impossible or it involved a use of means not proportional regarding the protected right.
  4. The interested one has the right to oppose him self in part or completely
    1. for legitimate reasons to the treatment of the personal data that regards him, still bound to the aim of the data collection;
    2. to the treatment of the data that regards him with the purpose of shipment of advertising material or direct selling or for the fulfilment of communication or market researches.